„The Water Table“ is an interactive installation which brings the profundity of Jordan’s water resources predicament to the forefront of the user’s imagination and intends to provoke their desire to act. The installation projects historical data onto a water-layered surface, taking its user on a journey through the developments and setbacks that have faced and continue to face Jordan’s water sector. The Water Table then relies on subject-matter expert forecasts regarding Jordan’s water resources and population to portray Jordan’s contemplated future. Despite all the developments in Jordan’s water sector, the country’s population is expected to continue to rise while its water supply diminishes. The table attempts to sparks questions in the user’s mind when confronted with Jordan’s imminent reality.“
The work is the product of the coming together of a multidisciplinary collective consisting of
Eyas Tayyem – Programming , Ala’a Ali – Animation, Basheer Anani – Research & Content
Michael Schinköthe – Art-Direction & Physical Experience
Ahmad Sabbagh – Art-Direction, Information Design & Coordination.